Approved — Submitted — Last updated — Public — Used in 6 sets
High-DPI | 1× | 2× | 4× |
Channel Name | Channel Name | ||||
![]() |
Bluto | EvanFullMetal | |||
itzTitanio | KnownNarcissist | ||||
SmuttyPotty_ | TwitchingTriforce |
Edited emote of :rage: into just the eyes; referencing how many other emotes such as PogChamp or monkaS have also had emotes made solely of their eyes. Even if someone were to type IMMADNOW and it were to be of normal language, no matter if it is normal language or commonly used language, it's up to the streamer to decide if he wants to add an emote that may cause havoc among his chat. It's not up to the creator of how it's used. Just by making this emote, it doesn't mean that immediate havoc and chaos is going to ensue, because I'm almost 110% positive that this would not be the case UNLESS the streamer wishes it to be. This would then take any and all blame that would be directed towards the creator of the emote, to the channel host himself. There would be no reason that this emote should be taken down merely for the reason of "overlap between normal language and using emotes" which would be grasping for straws. Just to back myself up even more, normal language as it stands, does not typically use ALL CAPS; making it almost impossible for someone to normally use a phrase such as "IMMADNOW" without previously know about the emote having been added by the streamer and then for whatever reason complaining about how it disrupted what he was trying to say, and how bad it is for an emote- that he SHOULD already be aware of, to be interrupting his "normal language" behavior. I hope that this emote doesn't "overlap between normal language and using emotes", because that would be so very tragic. I hope this generated a lot of clarifications for any moderator who looks at the previous emote name, emote image, and/or why it now should not be penalized because of its name. JSFC